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Rest day in Cusco


Much deserved relaxing day in Cusco watching the Tottenham Man City game in an Irish pub in the hugely impressive Cusco main Plaza.


We had decided not to go to Machu Picchu as it would take the whole day, from an early start to a late finish and we rally just needed some R&R. Plus we didn’t fancy the huge number of tourists and the £200 everything would have cost. Another trip hopefully!


Instead an enjoyable day and afternoon just sitting and doing nothing!


Rest day in Cusco

Our second day we planned on sending some postcards and spending half an hour or so in a bike shop changing our tires, before leaving.


As always jobs like this are not as simple. Sending postcards ended up taking most of the morning. Mainly due to post offices being shut and many ice cream shops being open. The trip to the bike shop also took much longer. Deciding that we still have such a long way to go it would be wise to give the bikes some lovin and pay for them to get a service.


Before we knew it 5 o’clock came around which meant it was getting dark. We checked into a cheap hostel near the centre of town which meant another night in a bed and another night pasta free!


Cusco to Carmen river campspot

Distance: 63miles

Average speed: 12.8mph

Moving time: 4h47

Door to door: 8h28


We certainly felt ready to take on the next challenge of our trip. Spending the night in a cycling hostel we heard from many people just how amazing but also difficult the next couple of weeks will be. A little nervous but both very excited we hit the road, the very steep road out of Cusco. Our bikes also rearing to go after their service (new tires and a new chain!!).


Luckily after the climb out of the city we then had a huge decent which seemed endless! Half way through the 50km downhill stretch we met two English lads who are on their gap year cycling from Bogota to Bariloche. Always nice to hear a English voice again! We exchanged numbers and tips about both of our upcoming journeys.


After such a long downhill stretch we ended up at 1,800m. We forgot what it was like to be under 2,000m. Setting up camp was hot, clammy work and we were surrounded by some horrible insects who loved the tastes of our legs and we are now completely covered in bites. These were not the only intruders of the night. At midnight we both awoke to some people near the tent with a light. After investigating a little more the unwanted guests seemed to hide under a nearby tree. Thinking that our bikes were being eyed up by some robbers made it very difficult to go back to sleep. Luckily, the two robbers turned out to be two fisherman who were simply strolling down the river.


Cartmen river camp to lay-by on PE-3S just on from Waraccoña

Distance: 45 miles

Av speed: 7 mph

Moving time: 6 hours 8

Door to door: 11 hours


Our first taste of how hard the next few weeks are going to be, as we spent nearly the whole day cycling uphill.


A slower start than we had hoped for as we rewed greatly our decision not to put the canopy over us, getting woken by a huge downpour at 1 in the morning. The insect attack from yesterday also resumed, and we are now covered from head to toe in bites (perhaps throwing out the insect repellent in Cusco because we weren’t using it was a really bad idea).


We found out from a lady that around 2000m altitude the bugs are everywhere. We asked her if only at night time but she said no all day and all year, what a crap place to live we both thought.


Itching all over we set out on what would be one of our hardest days yet. After cycling down hill for 50 kms yesterday we now had to do the reverse, 50km from 1800m to 4300m.


Whilst Lance Armstrong would definitely have enjoyed being at lower altitude after three weeks of producing red blood cells at over 4000m we found the going tough as it was humid and the first time we’d got a proper sweat on since Argentina. The road, although in awesome condition, just kept going up and up, with never ending walls of hairpins snaking high up the valley. On top of this the constant beeping of horns, streams of sweat and relentless barking dogs made life pretty miserable for much of the morning.


Deciding we’d had enough of the main road we took a shortcut, which was 10km shorter and promised far less bad Peruvian drivers given that it was all ripio. At the same time however we would be rejoining the main road 1000m higher, meaning the road would be twice as steep in order to cover the altitude gained in half the distance. Reassured by an elderly man that the ripio road was the better option we set off, although soon realised we’d just made our job much much harder as the road was extremely unforgiving. Three hours later we emerged back on to the main road. Whilst we hadn’t seen a car for nearly all of this time our energy was spent and the final climb up to 4300m seemed to take forever.


After a whole day of cycling uphill we finally made it to the top of the pass as it was getting dark. We flew downhill in the dark, stopping in the nearest village to fill up our water before setting up the tent by the side of the road. Both exhausted but a very memorable first day of big climbing in Peru!


Lay-by to Tintayhua

Distance: 60miles

Average speed: 11.1mph

Moving time: 5h03

Door to door: 10h06


A beautiful and well deserved 15 miles of downhill into Abancay for breakfast and one thing on both of our minds - find some Easter eggs. After a delicious breakfast consisting of rice with a side of an egg and a banana we managed to find two Easter bunnies!


As we continued to drop down into the valley after Abancay we joined up with the river which we ended up following for a further 30 miles which put a big smile on our faces as it meant some flat roads for a while.


We finally reached the turning off the PE-30A road which we thought was meant to be tarmac but in fact was ripio. On the maps we spotted a 5k shortcut which we decided to take after asking a Peruvian man if it was doable by bike. As he smiled and confirmed it is ok to bike up we quickly found out that he was some kind of sick prankster. Having to push our bikes up the vertically non existent road we decided from now on not to trust Peruvians and don’t try be smart and take shortcuts.


Setting up the tent just in time thankfully as we were suddenly hit by the loudest thunderstorm both of us had ever heard. Feeling safe in our tent we felt sorry for the bikes outside taking on the horrendous storm.


Tintayhua to mountain camp spot 5kms south of Huancabamba